take me back
/kamer van de waarheid
Kamer van de Waarheid is a research collective (in collaboration with Lukas Schmidt and Uga Mosinaite)

The structure of the project was threefold. It started with us initiating dialogue. Each person carried a question (Who always speaks the truth? What memory stays true eternally?) which we asked passerby’s on the street. We invited them to write down their response, and hang it in our Kamer (the physical skeleton which we used to map perspectives). Each answer was organised according to it’s relation to the concept of truth as fixed, fluid, or open. Lastly, the participants were asked to answer the question ‘What is forever true for you?’. The responses to this were continuously broadcasted by a speaker, and invading the public space.

It is through this disturbing, inviting, questioning and discussing, that we engaged with and maybe even at times moved beyond our truths. Kamer van de Waarheid is a project which is still in motion and evolving. We are hoping further to explore its forms and ways.

Our desire to interrupt was very closely connected to the current political context in the Netherlands at the time. Wherever you find yourself, you are confronted with politics. There are campaigning posters on every corner on the street, you come across ads everywhere and social media is crowded with posts and discourse regarding to it. Politics is an everyday topic of conversation, yet it mostly resides in circles of our own truths.) It was integral to Kamer van de Waarheid to bring unknown truth(s) into our reach –to engage an unknown public.